Careers & Opportunities

Top Highest Paying Linguist Jobs

Top Highest Paying Linguist Jobs: So, which professions offer competitive pay? For many individuals, one of the top 10 highest paying careers is teaching elementary school, but what if you studied a subject like foreign languages?

Even though your annual pay may be lesser, you can still establish yourself as one of the finest. Other than teaching English or working with American sign language, certain job possibilities can be quite lucrative.

There are numerous career alternatives available to linguists, so you have many choices. You can sort through some of the most typical employment offers for those with linguistics degrees using the information in this article.

Top Highest Paying Linguist Jobs

Top Highest Paying Linguist Jobs

Below are linguist positions you should consider:

1. Copy Editor

For a variety of media, copy editors are in charge of enhancing copy flow, clarity, grammar, and accuracy. They review the content and make any necessary corrections to the spelling, grammar, syntax, and style in order to help writers polish and get their work ready for publication. They might also be in charge of content fact-checking.

In publishing houses, newspapers, and advertising agencies, copy editors often work. However, given how much information is produced online, this position is frequently outsourced to independent contractors.

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2.  Speech and Language Therapist

People who struggle with speech, swallowing, and communication issues can benefit from speech and language therapy. They offer counseling, evaluation, therapy, and treatment to a wide range of patients, including individuals who have had strokes or have cleft lips or palates.

A speech and language therapist must complete a minimum of three years of university study, including one year of clinical experience.  Speech and language therapists work for social service agencies or in NHS clinics, hospitals, and schools. Private hospitals and businesses that require occupational therapy are examples of additional workplaces.

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3.  Translator

Information must be converted from one language to another by translators. They need to speak another language well. Additionally, translators need to be well-versed in the subject matter. The ability to recognize and respect cultural distinctions between their own language and the language they are translating into is necessary in addition to having great written communication abilities.

Depending on where they work, translators must have different educational requirements. A bachelor’s degree in translation or a closely related subject (like linguistics), for example, is necessary for some employment. Others just demand that candidates have prior professional experience translating papers and be multilingually competent.

The BLS projects that the demand for translators will grow by 24% during the following ten years as a result of globalization and increased international trade. You can either get a full-time job or work remotely for translation agencies.

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4. International Aid Worker

People who work in international aid do so in order to advance human welfare and assist those who have been affected by oppression, poverty, or war. They could collaborate with philanthropic or humanitarian groups. Depending on the unique requirements of each business, the positions vary substantially.

A bachelor’s degree in a subject like political science, social science, or international relations is typically required. For some jobs, an advanced degree is required, while experience in a relevant profession can frequently be used in its place.

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5. Accent Coach

Professionals known as accent coaches work with clients to help them establish their regional accents for acting and performing. To make it plausible for a performer to talk with a regional accent from a different region of the world, they work with actors to develop speech patterns, pronunciation, and intonation.

Accent coaches normally hold a bachelor’s degree or more, usually in theater or the performing arts. They frequently speak fluently and have previous experience as actors or performers.

They make an average yearly salary of $63,574, but this amount can vary substantially according on their field of specialization, length of employment, and the popularity of their clients.

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6.  Lexicographer

Writers with literary talent, lexicographers produce dictionaries and other reference works. They conduct research on words, their meanings, their variations, and the development of words across time. The words that lexicographers include in a dictionary are given meanings and instances in their writing.

Most lexicographer jobs demand at least a bachelor’s degree. The majority of writing bachelor’s degree programs contain composition, editing, style, and grammar classes. For some jobs, a graduate degree may be necessary.

Students in English master’s degree programs are frequently required to produce an original research-based thesis. Take linguistics courses to improve your language abilities if you want to work as a lexicographer. All lexicographers earned a median yearly wage of $65,235 across all industries, with 10% earning less than $36k.

7.  Forensic linguist

Forensic linguists do linguistic research to support cases in court. They study texts and apply their knowledge to identify authors, clarify meanings, and ascertain the veracity of spoken and written words.

Although there aren’t many formal schooling requirements for forensic linguistics, most practitioners have a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline.

8. Lawyer Linguists

A lawyer who is a linguist are employed by law firms, corporate legal departments, and other organizations. They are experts on the legal implications of linguistic minutiae.

Lawyer-linguists are also referred to as Language Lawyers because of their proficiency in both legal and linguistic issues. Payscale estimates that they make an annual salary of $77,687 on average.

The educational requirements for those who want to become one are high. To begin with, you must hold a Juris Doctor from an approved legal school and be an admitted attorney. You must then complete additional linguistics and language analysis courses.

9. Computational Linguist

An expert in developing algorithms that address linguistic issues is referred to as a computational linguist. Computational linguists’ duties include using computer programming to enhance software for natural language processing.

You typically require a masters degree in computational linguistics to work in the field. Before you can submit an application for admission to a graduate program in computational linguistics, you must hold an undergraduate degree in either linguistics or computer science (or both). Depending on your aspirations, you could next be able to select between earning a master’s or a PhD in the area.

An average computational linguist makes $80,330 a year. This figure can change depending on the employer and the region; for instance, some research institutions might pay more than more significant tech corporations.

The next ten years should see a rise in the demand for computational linguists as businesses continue to invest in building their own natural language processing systems.

10. Linguistics Professor

Linguistics Professors are in charge of instructing pupils of all ages on grammar, the history of languages, and occasionally even other languages. They might also carry out and publish research in their area of expertise. The majority of professors work in colleges and universities, but others may also instruct in online or private settings.

A Master’s in Linguistics is a minimum requirement for linguistics professors, while many universities favor applicants with a Ph.D. Before being promoted to full professor, you might need to serve as an assistant professor for a number of years.


We always have certain expectations from the companies that we join as recent grads looking for work. We want to work a job we enjoy and earn enough money to provide for our families.

As a result, the highest paying linguistics positions on our list are also the ones that linguists majors want to pursue. These professions are so appealing to potential employees because of their flexibility and high pay, which are two important criteria.

The fact that each of these professions has a varied amount of training requirements is also intriguing in this regard. While some of these positions can be filled with only a short amount of relevant study, others call for at least eight years of college.

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