Careers & Opportunities

Duties and Responsibilities of A Life Coach

Duties and Responsibilities of A Life Coach: As a life coach, you play an instrumental role in helping clients achieve meaningful life changes. Your job is to empower people to identify their goals and the obstacles standing in their way, then support them in developing strategies to overcome challenges and stay on track.

Duties and Responsibilities of A Life Coach

It requires a blend of skills, from active listening and motivational techniques to practical advice and accountability. If you have a passion for helping others reach their full potential, consider the following duties and responsibilities of a life coach.

What Is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a professional who helps clients identify and achieve personal goals through developing skills and making behavioral changes. Life coaches use a holistic approach to help clients improve various areas of their lives such as careers, relationships, health, finances, and work-life balance.

Duties and Responsibilities of A Life Coach

  • Meet with clients to evaluate their needs, desires, skills and shortcomings. Conduct interviews to determine clients’ strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Help clients set specific and achievable goals. Collaborate with clients to develop customized plans that build on their strengths and work to overcome weaknesses. Plans will include concrete action steps and timelines to achieve established goals.
  • Provide support and guidance. Act as a sounding board, offer advice and feedback, help brainstorm ideas, and provide encouragement and motivation. Check-in regularly to track progress and make adjustments as needed.
  • Suggest and explore various strategies for making beneficial life changes. Recommend resources such as books, worksheets, online programs, networking, and counseling to help facilitate transformations.
  • Help clients overcome obstacles and barriers. Discuss challenges, setbacks or lack of progress to determine solutions for moving forward in a productive manner. Reframe negative or self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.
  • Continuously expand knowledge and skills through ongoing education, training, and certifications. Stay up-to-date with advancements in fields such as positive psychology, neuroscience, leadership, and behavioral change.

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Key Duties and Responsibilities of a Life Coach

As a life coach, you have several key duties and responsibilities to your clients.

1. Developing Coaching Plans

You will work with your clients to develop customized coaching plans that outline their goals and the steps to achieve them. Plans should be tailored to each client’s unique situation and needs. They should include specific and measurable goals, as well as deadlines for achieving them.

2. Providing Guidance and Encouragement

You need to guide your clients through the coaching process, providing encouragement and support. Help them overcome obstacles and stay motivated to achieve their goals. Offer advice and feedback to keep them on track.

3. Asking Thought-Provoking Questions

Ask open-ended questions to gain insight into your clients’ behaviors, motivations, priorities, and more. Thought-provoking questions can help clients gain new perspectives and make meaningful connections. Questions should stimulate reflection and self-awareness.

4. Maintaining Confidentiality

As a life coach, you will obtain and discuss sensitive personal information about your clients. Strict confidentiality and privacy must be maintained at all times according to the ICF Code of Ethics. Only share a client’s information with their express written consent.

5. Conducting Regular Reviews

Meet with your clients regularly to review their progress, make adjustments to plans and goals as needed, address any concerns, and keep them accountable. Reviews should be conducted in-person if possible, or via phone/video call. Provide updates and next steps to keep your clients progressing.

6. Continuous Self-Improvement

As a professional life coach, you must engage in continuous learning and development. Keep up to date with advancements in the coaching field, expand your knowledge, and strengthen your skills and techniques through ongoing education and training. Constant self-improvement will make you a better coach and serve your clients more effectively.

Establishing the Coaching Relationship

As a life coach, one of the most important aspects of your role is establishing a constructive coaching relationship with your clients. This relationship is built on:

1. Trust

Take time to get to know your clients and build trust. Be fully present, listen without judgment, maintain confidentiality, and show genuine care for their wellbeing and progress. Build rapport through open body language, mirroring speech patterns, and asking thoughtful questions. With trust and rapport, clients will feel comfortable opening up to you.

2. Shared Understanding

Work with your clients to establish a shared understanding of their current situation and goals. Discuss their key challenges, priorities, values and vision for success. Come to an agreement on the objectives and scope of your work together. Document this in a coaching agreement to provide clarity for both parties.

3. Accountability

Help your clients stay accountable to their goals and priorities through regular coaching sessions. Review their progress, acknowledge wins and lessons learned, and make adjustments as needed to keep them on track. Provide motivation and encouragement to help overcome obstacles or setbacks. Accountability and follow-through are key to achieving lasting change.

4. Confidentiality

Maintain strict confidentiality with your clients. Do not share details of your coaching sessions or your client’s personal information with others without their explicit permission. Build trust by keeping discussions private and securing any physical or digital records.

By focusing on these essential elements, you will establish a strong coaching relationship where your clients feel empowered and supported. With your guidance, they can gain valuable insight, make meaningful progress, and achieve their most important life goals.

Facilitating Client Growth and Development

As a life coach, one of your most important responsibilities is facilitating your clients’ growth and development. This involves:

1. Establishing Goals and Action Plans

Work with your clients to determine specific and measurable goals they want to achieve. Break down larger goals into manageable steps. Develop detailed action plans that list each step required to accomplish their goals. Review and revise plans regularly to keep clients on track.

2. Providing Motivation and Accountability

Offer encouragement and help hold clients accountable for following through on their goals and action plans. Check-in regularly to see how they are progressing and if any obstacles have arisen. Help them overcome barriers by exploring alternative strategies. Celebrate small wins along the way to stay motivated.

3. Developing Key Skills

Help clients build skills that will support their goals and overall well-being. This may include improving time management, communication, self-confidence or other interpersonal skills. Use interactive exercises, workbooks, videos and discussions to strengthen key skills. Provide constructive feedback and guidance.

4. Challenging Limiting Beliefs

Work with clients to identify any negative or limiting beliefs that could be holding them back. Explore how these beliefs were formed and whether they are based on facts. Help reframe beliefs into more positive and empowering ones. Replace negative self-talk with more constructive ways of viewing situations.

5. Making Impactful Changes

The ultimate objective is to facilitate meaningful and long-lasting changes in your clients’ lives. Reinforce important lessons and have clients practice new behaviors consistently. Check-in on their progress well after coaching ends to provide additional support. Make suggestions for ways clients can continue their development independently.

With your guidance and support, clients can achieve profound growth and make positive changes that will benefit them for years to come. But the work does not end when coaching does—follow up and continued self-development are key.

Maintaining Professional Standards and Ethics

As a life coach, you have a responsibility to maintain high professional standards and ethical practices. This ensures you provide the best service and experience for your clients.

1. Confidentiality

You must keep all client information strictly confidential. Do not share details of your coaching sessions or your client’s personal information with anyone without their explicit consent.

2. Continual self-improvement

Pursue ongoing learning and development to strengthen your coaching skills and competencies. Stay up-to-date with advancements in coaching methods, tools, and techniques. Consider additional certifications or credentials to demonstrate your commitment to excellence.

3. Setting clear expectations

Be transparent with clients about what they can expect from the coaching relationship. Explain your approach, availability, fees, and policies. Set specific, measurable goals and objectives for the engagement. Outline both the coach’s and client’s responsibilities to ensure mutual understanding.

4. Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries

The coaching relationship requires professional distance and objectivity. Avoid conflicts of interest or dual relationships with clients that could compromise your judgment. Do not provide counseling or therapy. Refer clients to licensed professionals for needs outside of your coaching scope.

5. Accurate Representations

Market your services honestly and ethically. Do not make exaggerated claims about your qualifications, experience, fees, or results. Portray what you offer and the benefits of coaching realistically. Uphold high standards of truth in advertising and transparency in your business practices.

By committing to ethical principles and professional standards, you build trust, credibility and an excellent reputation as a life coach. Your clients will appreciate your integrity and dedication to their wellbeing and success. Maintaining best practices will lead to a rewarding career helping others achieve meaningful life goals.


As a life coach, you will have certain duties and responsibilities to your clients. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about what a life coach does:

1. What Services do Life Coaches Provide?

Life coaches provide guidance and advice to help clients reach their goals and improve their lives. Common services include:

  • Helping clients identify values, priorities, and long-term goals.
  • Assisting clients in developing an actionable plan to achieve goals and objectives.
  • Providing motivation and accountability to keep clients on track.
  • Offering a supportive and judgment-free environment for clients to work through challenges.
  • Suggesting strategies and tools to build good habits and break bad habits.
  • Helping clients overcome obstacles and setbacks.
  • Re-evaluating goals and plans as needed to adapt to changes in a client’s situation or priorities.

2. What Areas do Life Coaches Specialize In?

Life coaches specialize in many areas, such as:

  • Career and business coaching to advance in a job or build a business.
  • Health and wellness coaching for improved self-care and well-being.
  • Relationship coaching to strengthen connections with a partner or spouse.
  • Executive coaching for leadership development and work-life balance.
  • Life transition coaching to navigate changes like a move, job loss, or retirement.
  • General life coaching to gain clarity, improve productivity, enhance happiness, and achieve life goals.

3. What Qualifications or Certifications do Life Coaches Have?

There are no strict requirements to become a life coach, but many coaches pursue training, certifications, and continued education. Reputable certifying organizations require a combination of coursework, mentoring, and examinations. Look for a coach with a certification from the Coaches Training Institute, the International Coach Federation, or a similar accredited program. Some coaches also have degrees or professional experience in areas like counseling, psychology, or business. The most important qualities in a coach are empathy, supportiveness, and the ability to motivate and guide clients to success.

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