
Top 10 Scholarships to Study in Portugal for Nigerian Students

Portugal is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students, including those from Nigeria. Known for its rich cultural heritage, excellent academic institutions, and affordable cost of living, Portugal offers a conducive environment for students to thrive. To support international students, numerous scholarships are available that can significantly ease the financial burden of studying abroad.

In this guide, we will explore the top 10 scholarships to study in Portugal for Nigerian students who wish to pursue their studies in Portugal.

These scholarships cover various levels of education and fields of study, offering Nigerian students a wide range of opportunities to advance their academic and professional careers.

1. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)


The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees program is a prestigious scholarship funded by the European Union. It is designed to promote international education and cooperation, allowing students from all over the world, including Nigeria, to study in multiple European countries, including Portugal.


  • Applicants must hold a first degree or equivalent.
  • Demonstrated academic excellence.
  • Meet specific program requirements.


  • Full tuition fees coverage.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
  • Travel and installation costs.
  • Health insurance.

Application Process

Applicants must apply directly to the EMJMD consortium offering the course. The application process usually involves submitting academic transcripts, a motivation letter, recommendation letters, and proof of English proficiency.

2. Portuguese Government Scholarships


The Portuguese Government offers scholarships to international students through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These scholarships aim to promote the internationalization of Portuguese higher education institutions and support students from developing countries, including Nigeria.


  • Must be a citizen of a developing country.
  • Meet the academic requirements of the chosen program.
  • Demonstrate financial need.


  • Full or partial tuition fees coverage.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
  • Health insurance.

Application Process

Applications are typically submitted through the chosen Portuguese institution, which forwards the applications to the government for final selection.

Top 10 Scholarships to Study in Portugal

3. University of Porto Merit Scholarships


The University of Porto offers merit scholarships to international students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance. These scholarships are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.


  • Must be an international student applying to the University of Porto.
  • Demonstrate excellent academic performance.


  • Tuition fee waivers (partial or full).
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.

Application Process

Students are automatically considered for the merit scholarship upon applying to the University of Porto. No separate application is required.

4. Camões Institute Scholarships


The Camões Institute, dedicated to promoting Portuguese language and culture, offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in Portugal. These scholarships are available for various levels of study, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs.


  • Must be an international student.
  • Meet the academic requirements of the chosen program.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in Portuguese (for certain programs).


  • Tuition fee waivers.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
  • Health insurance.

Application Process

Applications are typically submitted through the Camões Institute’s website, and the process involves submitting academic transcripts, a research proposal (for postgraduate studies), and proof of Portuguese language proficiency.

Top 10 Scholarships to Study in Portugal

5. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Scholarships


The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation offers scholarships to international students, including Nigerians, who wish to pursue their studies in Portugal. These scholarships are aimed at supporting students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.


  • Must be an international student.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence.
  • Meet specific program requirements.


  • Full or partial tuition fees coverage.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
  • Research grants (for postgraduate students).

Application Process

Applicants must apply through the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s website, providing academic transcripts, a motivation letter, and a detailed study plan or research proposal.

6. Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Scholarships


Instituto Superior Técnico, one of Portugal’s leading engineering schools, offers scholarships to international students, including those from Nigeria. These scholarships are available for undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. programs.


  • Must be an international student applying to IST.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence.


  • Tuition fee waivers.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.

Application Process

Students are considered for scholarships upon application to IST. Some scholarships may require a separate application form, which can be found on the IST website.

7. Lisbon MBA Scholarships


The Lisbon MBA offers several scholarships for international students who wish to pursue an MBA at either Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics or Nova SBE in Portugal. These scholarships aim to attract talented individuals from around the world.


  • Must be an international student applying for the Lisbon MBA.
  • Demonstrate academic and professional excellence.


  • Partial or full tuition fee coverage.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.

Application Process

Applicants must indicate their interest in a scholarship when applying for the MBA program. This typically involves submitting academic transcripts, a resume, a motivation letter, and letters of recommendation.

8. Santander Scholarships


Banco Santander offers scholarships to support international students studying in Portugal. These scholarships are aimed at fostering international exchange and cooperation.


  • Must be an international student.
  • Enrolled or accepted into a Portuguese higher education institution.


  • Tuition fee waivers.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
  • Travel grants.

Application Process

Applications are typically submitted through the Santander Scholarships platform, involving submission of academic transcripts, a motivation letter, and proof of enrollment or acceptance at a Portuguese institution.

9. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Scholarships


The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) offers scholarships to support postgraduate and doctoral students conducting research in Portugal. These scholarships are aimed at fostering scientific research and innovation.


  • Must be an international student.
  • Enrolled in a postgraduate or doctoral program in Portugal.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence and a strong research proposal.


  • Tuition fee coverage.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
  • Research grants.

Application Process

Applicants must apply through the FCT website, providing a detailed research proposal, academic transcripts, and letters of recommendation.

10. University of Coimbra Scholarships


The University of Coimbra offers scholarships to international students who demonstrate academic excellence. These scholarships are available for undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various fields of study.


  • Must be an international student applying to the University of Coimbra.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence.


  • Tuition fee waivers (partial or full).
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses.

Application Process

Students are considered for scholarships upon application to the University of Coimbra. Specific scholarships may require additional application forms, which can be found on the university’s website.

Portugal offers a wide range of scholarships for Nigerian students, making it an attractive destination for higher education. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also offer opportunities for academic and personal growth. By taking advantage of these scholarships, Nigerian students can pursue their dreams of studying abroad, gaining valuable international experience and enhancing their career prospects.

When applying for scholarships, it’s essential to carefully read the eligibility criteria and application requirements. Ensure that all necessary documents are submitted on time and that your application stands out by highlighting your academic achievements and future aspirations. With thorough preparation and determination, you can secure a scholarship to study in Portugal and embark on an exciting educational journey.

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