
10 Easy Steps to Gain Admission to the NDA (Nigerian Defence Academy)

Gaining admission to the National Defence Academy (NDA) in Nigeria is a significant achievement for aspiring military officers. The NDA provides rigorous training and education to prepare cadets for service in the Nigerian Army, Navy, and Air Force. Here’s a streamlined guide outlining 10 easy steps to gain admission to the NDA, ensuring you are well-prepared for this prestigious institution.

1. Ensure You Meet the Eligibility Criteria

The first step to gain admission to the NDA is to make sure you meet all the eligibility criteria.

Key Requirements:

  • Academic Qualifications: You must have a minimum of five credits in GCE O-Level, SSCE (WAEC, NECO, NABTEB), or equivalent, obtained in not more than two sittings. These should include English Language and Mathematics.
  • Age and Marital Status: You must be between 17 and 21 years old and single.
  • Nationality: You must be a Nigerian citizen by birth.

Why It’s Important:

Meeting these criteria is essential as they are strictly enforced. Failing to meet any of these requirements will disqualify you from the application process.

2. Obtain the NDA Application Form

Once you are sure you meet the eligibility criteria, the next step is to obtain the NDA application form.

How to Apply:

  • Visit the NDA Website: Go to the official NDA website (
  • Create an Account: Register with a valid email address.
  • Complete the Application Form: Fill out the form with accurate information.
  • Upload Required Documents: Submit scanned copies of your certificates, birth certificate, and other necessary documents.
  • Pay the Application Fee: Complete the payment through the provided online platform and keep the receipt.

Why It’s Important:

Completing the application form accurately and submitting all required documents is crucial for your application to be processed.

3. Prepare for the NDA Entrance Examination

Preparing for the NDA entrance examination is a vital step in gaining admission.

Preparation Tips:

  • Understand the Exam Format: The exam includes sections on Mathematics, English, and General Knowledge.
  • Study Regularly: Create a study schedule and focus on areas where you need improvement.
  • Practice Past Questions: Obtain and practice past NDA entrance exam questions.
  • Join a Study Group: Collaborate with peers to enhance your preparation.

Why It’s Important:

A strong performance in the entrance examination significantly increases your chances of being shortlisted for the next stage.

4. Sit for the NDA Entrance Examination

On the exam day, ensure you are fully prepared and stay calm.

Exam Day Tips:

  • Arrive Early: Get to the examination venue on time to avoid any last-minute rush.
  • Bring Necessary Items: Ensure you have your exam slip, ID, and writing materials.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Allocate time for each section and avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.

Why It’s Important:

Performing well in the entrance exam is critical as it determines your eligibility for the next stage of the selection process.


5. Check the Shortlist for the Armed Forces Selection Board (AFSB) Interview

After the entrance exam, the NDA will release a shortlist of candidates who qualify for the Armed Forces Selection Board (AFSB) interview.

10 Easy Steps to Gain Admission to the NDA

How to Proceed:

  • Check the NDA Website: Regularly check the NDA website for the shortlist.
  • Prepare Required Documents: Ensure all your documents are in order for the AFSB interview.

Why It’s Important:

Being shortlisted for the AFSB interview means you are one step closer to gaining admission to the NDA.

6. Prepare for the AFSB Interview

The AFSB interview is a comprehensive assessment that includes physical, medical, and psychological evaluations.

Preparation Tips:

  • Document Verification: Gather and organize all required documents, including academic certificates, birth certificate, and ID.
  • Physical Fitness: Engage in regular physical exercise to prepare for fitness tests.
  • Medical Check-up: Ensure you are medically fit by getting a pre-interview check-up.
  • Psychological Readiness: Practice staying calm and composed under pressure.

Why It’s Important:

Preparation for the AFSB interview ensures you can confidently meet all the evaluation criteria.

10 Easy Steps to Gain Admission to the NDA

7. Attend the AFSB Interview

The AFSB interview involves several stages, including physical fitness tests, medical examinations, and a panel interview.

Interview Day Tips:

  • Be Punctual: Arrive on time and follow the schedule provided by the NDA.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear appropriate attire for both the physical tests and the interview.
  • Be Confident: Answer questions honestly and confidently during the panel interview.
  • Participate Actively: Engage actively in all exercises and tests.

Why It’s Important:

Successfully passing the AFSB interview is crucial for securing a spot at the NDA.

8. Await the Final Selection List

After the AFSB interview, the NDA will release the final selection list of candidates admitted to the academy.

What to Do:

  • Regularly Check the NDA Website: Keep an eye on the official website for updates on the final selection list.
  • Stay Patient: The process may take some time, so be patient while awaiting the results.

Why It’s Important:

Being included in the final selection list confirms your admission to the NDA.

9. Accept the Admission Offer

If you are selected, you will receive an official admission offer from the NDA.

Steps to Take:

  • Read the Offer Letter Carefully: Understand all the terms and conditions.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to the instructions provided, including acceptance procedures and reporting dates.

Why It’s Important:

Formally accepting the admission offer is necessary to secure your place at the NDA.

10. Report to the NDA for Training

The final step is to report to the NDA for the commencement of your training.

Reporting Tips:

  • Follow Reporting Guidelines: Arrive on the specified date and time with all required items.
  • Prepare Mentally and Physically: Be ready for the rigorous training program.
  • Stay Disciplined: Adhere to all rules and regulations from day one.

Why It’s Important:

Reporting on time and being well-prepared marks the beginning of your journey as an NDA cadet.

Gaining admission to the National Defence Academy (NDA) in Nigeria is a rigorous but rewarding process. By following these 10 easy steps—ensuring you meet eligibility criteria, obtaining the application form, preparing for and excelling in the entrance exam, attending the AFSB interview, and reporting for training—you can increase your chances of becoming an NDA cadet. Each step is crucial and requires dedication, preparation, and a clear understanding of the process. With determination and hard work, you can achieve your goal of gaining admission to the NDA and embarking on a distinguished career in the Nigerian Armed Forces.

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